Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Parody Coma

As always the Irish media dissappoint.  Trappatoni betrayed. Even nice boy Niall Quinn was at it today on the INDO. And as always, when things don't work out we'll go back like lap dogs to our regular Irish sages of Gay Byrne or Roy Keane for salvation, the patronising quip and hope. As Irish peoples brains don't function until they live in the past, their past, and all things past.

 The past was better you see. Teachers taught you stuff back then in the past, music was better in the 60s, 70s, 80s, mass was full and the pint wasnt tampered with chemicals. It will be the World Cup 2062 and we'll still want our regular wise ones to tell it as it is...we dont usually know 'how it is' ourselves you see. So Keano: the Zidane, Figo of romantic Irish minds will still be telling us how it is as we dont trust our own abilities as Irish people to think for ourselves. After all, if you're on the telly, are a big fish in a small pond then you are far superior an intellect just like Gaybo. And to be on the telly in the 60' your back Stephen Hawkins. And to be on the telly in Britain with your Oirish accent.   Untouchable.

 For to be a hero in Ireland you are always going to be blown out of proportion.  We do that to our heroes. Just like the little boy who has a big brother; adored.  Ireland is the little boy making myths out of our very few heroes to the detriment of our heroes own selves. Take Roy. Poor Roy is acting like Roy Keane. A parody becoming a self. It's tragic, created by us the meager, lacking in confidence public who needed a hero and exaggerated their very existence.  Yes Roy was good and I'm sure he's a really nice guy, but he was no Zidane. More importantly he is not and was not the only footballer ever who wanted to win a match. What a ridiculous caricature we have created.  'Roy always wanted to win, Roy was so determined, ambitious, eager, hated losing' and so on.

I  played tennis all my teenage years and beyond. I rarely won. I played other sports also and frequently got beaten.  But one thing is for sure. I never, ever wanted to be beaten, Ever. I genuinely don't think or believe any sports person in any discipline ever wants to be beaten.  It's insane to think that it's possible. So where did this ridiculous concept that Roy Keane always wanted to win come from? Of Course he did.  He's a sports man! He is not the only player therefore for Ireland or United who wanted to win.

So let's get things into perspective in the aftermat of Ireland's exit from the World Cup. We do not need Roy Keane, a figure of the past becoming a muse for Niall Quinn and others during and after this tournament.  Niall disrespectfully suggesting Roy should now manage Ireland)We have to believe in the present and  future and our own opinions. ( I will not tolerate another person saying what do you know, you weren't a professional like Roy- Roy wanted to win, Roy was great etc.......) I know he was good. He's one of Ireland's few legends.

This isn't about Roy Keane, although I do think we the Irish public have to share in the blame of creating this caricature of a 'broody, I only think about winning loner' which tragically it appears he has grown to believe.  This is about being true to oneself, being humble and not being legends in our own minds. Unfortunately, as Roy has found out at his cost this can have very destructive outcomes. Even more unfortunate is that those people who claim to care about him and love him are not telling him how ridiculous and devestating this 'win at all costs psuedo- rant' is having on his well earned reputation as a great player.  It genuinely upsets me to see all of this being tarnised simply because he has no real sense of self- awareness and even truth and that the people around him are happy to see him in a total state of' 'paraody coma'.

Lets leave Roy and Gaybo alone. We're a smart race. We can think and believe whatever all on our own.  We need nobodies approval. We don't need sensation and as a good race we don't need the past beating down the present as is the case of Trapatonni versus the old dogs of the soccer world. Come on Ireland.. we all want to see you win, NATURALLY! That's what pros do!