Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year in the Cosmos

Happy new year to all in the Cosmos. What time is it really though? Is it 14 Billion years that we should be toasting tonight since our beautiful or radiant cosmos came into existence, or around 4 billion since the birth of earth or 2010 years since the birth of Christ (well anything from 2006- 2014 really as nobody has a clue really when he was born)? Ah well not to worry, it's still a good reason to celebrate. A new year really is an opportunity for a new you, new insofar as you realise you are old and made from good cosmic stuff!  The future therefore is wonderful as you are! Enjoy tonight 0 readers!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A New Journey

I am absolutely thrilled to have at last created a blog space and become apart of this blogging world. It is definately exciting for me, although I will hold my breath regarding reactions and criticisms etc. In a nutshell- I am not an expert on anything- but if you want to listen to an Irish man in his thirthies waffle on about God an life well then maybe this is the site for you to read? Take Care until tomorrow.