Thursday, March 31, 2016

A car or terror?

I read recently that on average 30,000 people die in car accidents in Europe every year.  A startling statistic but true nonetheless.

Since the Madrid and London Bombings of 2004/ 2005 respectively approximately 300 people have died from terror attacks on mainland Europe. Or 1% of fatalities due to crashes etc.

So terror as always is usually in our heads. Just how the terrorists like it. It's only the mind game their winning as the odds of actually being involved in a terror attack are minimal to say the least.

Naturally every death caused by terrorists is to be taken seriously and lamented but we should never overstate a reality that is indeed very rare.  This only gives the terrorists weight.

The reality is that the world or at least Europe anyway is not in the state of chaos that our media outlets worldwide would lead us to believe. The same could be said for most parts of the world. Unfortunately, war and violence has always been a part of the human fabric except that now we get images of it instantly.

But nothing has changed really.